Ashley Does: A Prayer For My Girls


In this season of mothering tiny humans, I often think about the lives I hope they have some day. And the challenges they will face along the way to becoming who they are supposed to be.

It’s scary. The world today, with technology and apps and bullies and pressure, it’s scary for our children. We were just talking this morning at MOPS about children having to pick a sport and a track at age eight. As a second grader, children are expected to know what they are going to be passionate about for the remainder of their adolescence so they can be successful at it – if she isn’t on the volleyball team at age eight, she definitely isn’t making the team as a teenager.

It’s lunacy.

But it’s their world. All I can do as their mother is help guide them through it.

Thank goodness I have backup.  Continue reading “Ashley Does: A Prayer For My Girls”

Ashley Does: Surviving Spring Break

This mom thing, man.

Some days you’re killing it. Some days you’re doing your best to hide in the bathroom.

Right now we are drudging through the trench that is Spring Break.

I know there are a lot of parents out there jumping for joy, excited to spend a full week with all of their little ones home or vacationing or whatever else. This is an amazing, magical week for you.

This post is not for you, friend. I love you and your enthusiasm for Full On Mommy/Daddy Mode, but this post is for those of us struggling to stay above water this week. And not start drinking before noon.
Continue reading “Ashley Does: Surviving Spring Break”

Ashley Does: Family Weekend

Let me just start with this statement: We are a fivesome of weirdos. We know it, we own it. We relish in it.

On Saturday morning, Joe and I were lying in bed talking about what to do with the day (while the girls made a mess of the kitchen and watched cartoons, of course).

The conversation went like this:
“What do you have planned today?”
“I have to go to the post office and be at church at 4:45 for nursery duty, but other than that we have no plans.”
“Cool! Want to go for a walk?”

So obviously we ended up taking a road trip to Laramie, Wyoming.
Continue reading “Ashley Does: Family Weekend”

Ashley Does: The Father Daughter Dance

I remember my dad taking me to the Girl Scouts Father Daughter Dance. It was a Hawaiian theme. I was probably 9. I felt so grown up, I got to wear tights and fancy shoes and go somewhere with just Daddy. No mom, no pesky little brother, just me and him.

Can you imagine my excitement now, watching my husband take our daughters to their first Father Daughter Dance? This man that I adore, to whom I promised my life 9 years ago, is dressing up and taking his sweet baby girls to dance. Something he HATES to do. He doesn’t even take me dancing and believe you me, I’ve attempted every feminine wile I possess to change his mind. Strike.Out. Continue reading “Ashley Does: The Father Daughter Dance”